Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Michigan Woman Sues Bad Date For $10K

 Michigan Woman Sues Bad Date For $10K

Michigan Woman Sues Bad Date For $10K

A video capturing a heated argument between a judge and a Michigan woman who sued a man for $10,000 for standing her up on a date has been making rounds. QaShontae H. Short filed the lawsuit against her no-show date on September 10, 2020, citing emotional distress as the date was her late mother's birthday. However, Judge Herman Marable Jr. informed Short that she filed the lawsuit in the wrong court and that the case should have been filed in circuit court.

 The defendant stated that he thought the case would be thrown out as they only had one date and that he did not want to waste the judge's time. Short, then yelled about perjury, to which the judge raised his voice and took off his face shield. The judge eventually transferred the suit to the circuit court after muting the Zoom call.

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